AGRICORE 36M Review Meeting
On the 23rd of November 2023, our project AGRICORE went through the 36 months review meeting. The consortium met online with our project officer and reviewers and presented the progress and results of the second reporting period of AGRICORE.
Every work package leader held a presentation detailing the advancements achieved in each task in order to deliver the main result of AGRICORE which is the AGRICORE tool for agricultural policy impact assessment and design.
AXIA is leading work package 8 “Exploitation, Clustering and Open sourcing” as well as work package 9 “Dissemination and Communication” and presented the business plan for the exploitation of the AGRICORE tool but also the exploitation process of the individual key exploitable results obtained by each partner within the consortium.
We are grateful for the valuable feedback received from our reviewers and happy that AGRICORE is progressing into a promising research action with innovative results.
Have a look at the AGRICORE website and find out more about the project: https://agricore-project.eu/
This project has received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 816078.