LIGNICOAT Introductory Video
On Tuesday 22nd, November, AXIA launched the introductory video of the LIGNICOAT project on its YouTube channel. LIGNICOAT is a 42 month EU project aimed at improving the sustainability of the coating industry.
The LIGNICOAT project includes topics of everyday relevance, as coatings can be found in every object we encounter daily. The video outlines the project concept, goals for producing sustainable bio-based coatings, and desired qualities and features for high-volume commercial applications.
As the dissemination leader of the project, AXIA developed the video based on the dissemination and communication plan specifically tailored to the LIGNICOAT project. Since the main identified target audience was the general public and given the visibility of YouTube videos to a broad audience, the language was kept easy to understand, minimizing jargon.
A brief format of fewer than two minutes was used to keep the audience engaged throughout the video.
Watch the video now:
For more information, visit the LIGNICOAT project at:
Project Title: Sustainable coatings based on lignin resins and bio-additives with improved fire, corrosion and biological resistance BBI-2020-SO3-R5: Improve the sustainability of coatings (RIA)