LightCoce 3rd Review Meeting

The 3rd online review meeting of the LightCoce project is organized by our project coordinator NTUA today on the 19th of December 2022. The 3rd reporting period of the LightCoce project is covering the period from July 2021 to June 2022. In the review meeting, the work package leaders are presenting the progress made during this period.

AXIA Innovation in collaboration with Exelisis, is leading work package 2 ‘Administrative and operational set up of the Ecosystem’ and particularly task 2.1 ‘Setup of the ecosystem’, as well as task 11.3 ‘Development of the Exploitation Strategy of the Ecosystem’ within work package 11 ‘Dissemination and Exploitation activities’.

Find more about the LightCoce project:

And the LightCoce company, which is the Single-Entry Point of the LightCoce Open Innovation Test Bed:

This project has received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 814632.