H2020 ProFuture: Packing microalgae protein in foods and feeds
Grant agreement ID: 862980
Funded under: LC-SFS-17-2019 – Alternative proteins for food and feed
Microalgae are a valuable source of protein-rich elements for healthy food and feed products that limit energy and water consumption. However, production and processing costs of microalgal biomass are still high. Advanced technologies are needed to augment productiveness and lower costs. The EU-funded ProFuture project will evaluate advanced systems to produce single-cell proteins and protein isolates that are characterised for their nutritional effects and their economic sustainability. Single-cell proteins will be incorporated in foods and feed produced at an industrial level. The project will appraise the microalgae value chain in the EU and propose amelioration solutions to increase the competitiveness of the sector. Market uptake will be expanded via optimised dissemination and implementation plans.
For more information visit H2020 website: https://www.pro-future.eu/