H2020 FLAMINGo: Fabrication of Lightweight Aluminium Metal matrix composites and validation In Green vehicles
Grant agreement ID: 101007011
Funded under: LC-GV-06-2020 – Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications
Aluminium composite materials are an industrial solution with multiple applications. As a result, the industrial manufacturing sector is in constant search for ways to improve their production. Among others, the battery-electric vehicle (BEV) technology is a significant factor for the intensification of their use. To address these challenges, the EU-funded FLAMINGo project will propose a novel metallurgical and forming combined approach for making automotive parts. FLAMINGo will focus on manufacturing strengthened aluminium (Al) metal matrix composites with elevated properties compared to current Al alloys used in automotive. By substituting steel components in BEV automotive parts, the project also aims to achieve a substantial weight reduction.
For more information visit H2020 website: https://www.flamingo-project.eu/
This project has received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 101007011.