
H2020 AccelWater: Accelerating Water Circularity in Food and Beverage Industrial Areas around Europe

Grant agreement ID: 958266 Funded under: CE-SPIRE-07-2020 – Preserving fresh water: recycling industrial waters industry The food and beverage industry is one of the most water- and energy-intensive industries in the world in addition to producing large volumes of waste. Therefore, freshwater supplies are in high demand. Despite significant progress in improving water use efficiency,

AGRICORE 2nd Workshop

AXIA Innovation organized the “2nd Intellectual Property Rights workshop” of the AGRICORE Project, which was held online 3rd of November. As part of our #IPR management responsibilities in the project, our AGRICORE Project manager and our legal advisor focused their presentation on: The concept of Open Source Software, The contractual obligations of AGRICORE, The IPR

GREENER 18M Consortium meeting

Axia Innovation participated at the 18M consortium meeting of the Greener Project online on 3rd and 4th of November 2020. Partners around 9 EU countries presented their advancements of work on bioremediation technologies. AXIA presented their effort on the dissemination and communication activities under the GREENER project. This project has received funding for the European

Accelwater H2020 Project

AXIA Innovation teams up with experts from 6 companies, 6 research organisations, and 2 associations in the framework of the H2020 funded project AccelWater. The project aims to Accelerate Water Circularity in Food and Beverage Industrial Areas around Europe and will kick off on November 1st! AXIA Innovation is responsible for the exploitation activities of the project.


Looking forward to collaborate with you

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