Bionanopolys – 2nd Executive Board Meeting

Today Bionanopolys consortium is gathering for the 2nd Executive Board meeting.
Bionanopolys OITB European funded project targets the production of safe nano-enable bio-based materials & polymer nanocomposites.
Axia Innovation, as WP2 leader, is presenting the work progress towards the sustainability of the OITB. AXIA is responsible for the OITB management structure definition (Task 2.1) and the Open Call baseline (Task 2.3). In our WP we also have Anthony Bochon from Gil Robles – San Bartolome & Associés (G&S), responsible of Task 2.2 Single Entry Point establishment and Livia Marcantonio from EBN, responsible of Task 2.4 Stakeholder engagement. Together we are contributing to the successful implementation of the Bionanopolys ecosystem.
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This project has received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 953206.