AXIA co-organized the Microbial Technologies Week
AXIA was at the Microbial Technologies Week taking place from 7 to 11 November on the premises of the Jozef Stefan Institute, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event was also hosted online for those willing to attend virtually.
AXIA along with the University of Burgos and Jozef Stefan Institute were responsible for the organisation of the MicroTechWeek. The event was shaped in the frame ofthe SURFBIO and the GREENER H2020 projects, where AXIA is participating in, undertaking the roles of innovation, technology transfer and exploitationand, dissemination manager, respectively. During this week people around Europe had the opportunity to get together discussing challenges and solutions in the fields of surface and colloid biology, biotechnology, environmental protection, and bioremediation technologies, as well as their applications in food, health, materials and the environment.
The event hosted the SURFBIO industr workshop, involving also policy through the roundtable sessions, a poster session and a hands-on lab training (open to the public), as well as the GREENER and SURFBIO project meetings, where the WPs and task leaders presented the progress, the achievements, the challenges and the next steps forward.
For more information visit:
GREENER: https://www.greener-h2020.eu/en/normal/home
SURFBIO: https://surfbio.eu/
These projects have received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement numbers SURFBIO 952379 and GREENER 826312.