AXIA at GREEN LOOP project 18M in Vicenza

The consortium meeting of GREEN-LOOP took place in Vicenza, Italy on March 19th and 20th, hosted by the partner Guala Closure Group. The primary objective of GREEN LOOP is to devise innovative solutions for bio-based materials within a circular business framework, aimed at overcoming barriers associated with novel manufacturing techniques, enhancing energy efficiency, and establishing sustainable value chains.

On the inaugural day, AXIA Innovation delivered a presentation on the progress achieved during months 13 to 18, focusing on work package 7. This phase involved the development of a comprehensive exploitation plan, particularly emphasizing intellectual property management. This plan encompassed a thorough review of Key Exploitable Results and conducted an industry market study for each value chain: bio-rubber materials for construction, bio-plastic materials for beverage packaging, and wood composite materials for appliances and tooling. Additionally, an initial individual business plan was formulated for partners interested in commercially leveraging their innovations.

Furthermore, AXIA is actively developing task 7.5, which involves fostering synergies with other projects funded by Horizon Europe, resulting in the creation of a cluster called Bio-Matters. Here Axia is supporting the cluster’s activities and collaborating to create stakeholder engagement.

The meeting also included a visit to Guala Closure Group’s and Mixcyling facilities, providing a platform to showcase the progress of the second value chain. This gathering served as an excellent opportunity for AXIA to engage with fellow consortium partners, fostering discussions, sharing insights, and planning for future steps.


For more information about the GREEN LOOP project and its recent advancements, you can explore the project’s website at



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