HORIZON 2020-Work programme 2017, Athens-Greece
The Praxis network organized an info day regarding HORIZON 2020 Work programme 2017. The aim of the event was for the business and scientific community to be informed by the European Commission and National Representatives about the new opportunities for research and innovation funding at European level. In particular, the event will present the new topics for 2017:
- Nanotechnologies, advanced materials and processes, biotechnology
- Space technology
- Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine research and shipping bio-economy
- Smart, green and integrated transports
- Climate change, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
- Extending excellence and widening participation
AXIA participated in the event and together with other participants had the opportunity to meet with specialists from Praxi Network – National Contact Points for Horizon 2020 – to discuss any queries about the current program calls, search for suitable research partners to set up a proposal, and to receive advisory support for the financial, legal and administrative excellence of a research proposal.